Thursday 6 July 2023

The Fightback Starts Here


I'm Paul Owen. I'm 57, single and a Conservative. That means I'm an active member of the party. I campaign, I knock on doors, I stood at the election in May (I lost) and of late I've started to do my bit.  There aren't many of us prepared to admit the latter at the moment, still less to defend the party and the leadership. We are currently being exhorted to go and campaign in the upcoming by elections in various parts of the country. This is pointless. We are going to get annihilated thanks to the selfishness and vanity of a few people in defence of a silly man who has been treated badly but also did much to deserve it. We have to move on from Boris Johnson. 

But to be fair to Boris, and I'm not entirely sure he deserves it, he is the victim of the angry remainers who have been out to get him since that fateful day when he declared for the leave side and went on to win it for us. Oh yes, did I not say? I voted leave and would do so again. No doubt we'll return to that vexed subject another day and then another day and another day.....Boris was brought down by cake. Yes he was stupid and yes he lied. But he was not alone. He is carrying the can for the absurd rules that his own government brought in at the behest of the medical establishment and the civil servants like Sue Gray who also broke the rules but always get away with it. Now Sue Gray is going to the Chief of Staff for Keir Starmer. He's welcome to her. 

But anyway this blog is intended to be my fight back against all that frustrates and angers me and many like me. I hope that you will join in with me. There will also be a YouTube channel, videos, maybe a podcast and posts galore. I have much to get off my chest. 

The bottom line is that, at present, we are heading towards a Labour win at the next election and that will be a disaster for the country. I will develop this point in my next post. We are all angry and frustrated at the way things are. I know I am. But we have to get out and campaign and get people to listen. It's down to us because we are being let down by the smug party establishment who are resigning themselves to defeat already. The infighting has to stop. There is a message or messages that will resonate with the country. Whether the leadership want to hear it is a different matter. But those of us near the coalface know what needs to be said and what people need to hear. More to come....


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